Why Us

Our Ability to Design Goes Above and Beyond

Designing with us includes not only product design but also spatial design— that is to say, that it is not only a product but the relationship it shares with the surroundings that make it truly eye-catching. That is why we not only account for furniture design but spatial design as well.

Moreover, We understand that customizing furniture does not always begin with tangible products, and customers must often place their trust in us, with a hope that we will deliver beyond their expectations.

To facilitate a seamless mutual understanding between our clients and us, we ensure that every detail is communicated exhaustively through the means of illustrations, CAD drawings, renders, mock-ups and samples. Further, it is our role and responsibility to ensure that these final designs are executed to perfection.

At the core of our design process lies our ability to empathize with our client’s needs. This holistic approach not only accounts for aesthetically pleasing form and comfort but also other variables that influence an individual’s relationship with space.

Therefore, our process is not only understanding the furniture in relation to the space that it occupies but understanding the occupant of the space as well.

We Pride Ourselves on the Calibre of Our Furniture:

Shortlisting the right design in alignment with customer needs is a precursor to production. In contrast, a true testament to our commitment to premium furniture and luxury spaces lies in our management and production processes.  

We emphasize on strengthening our in-house competencies as we grow, and we continually strive to maintain a sturdy design and manufacturing base through meticulous supervision and management along every facet of the design and production process. With accurate communication throughout, we can ensure timeliness and quality, managing only by exception with minimal error and maximum efficiency.

Moreover, we carefully select all our raw material as we do our staff, vendors and partners. Natural material and human error inherently cast a shadow of doubt on certainty. Therefore, we like to ensure that we have full control along every stage of the manufacturing process.

Fawless Service

Paired With Swift Execution:

At the core of our design process is our willingness to empathize with our clients’ expectations. In doing so, we make it a point to leave no stone unturned when understanding our client’s requirements, which we achieve through our frictionless, unparalleled and personalized customer interactions.

Working with us is an interactive exchange where our clients can experience not only a finished product by the manufacturing process as well. We exhibit and produce our furniture at the same studio so that customers can experience the production process first-hand, i.e., right from conception, down to the finishing touches. We do this to bring to light the intricate process of design and production as well as to share our satisfaction in watching a product take shape. Experiencing the production process adds value not only to our business proposition but also to the furniture itself.

We understand that timeliness is a crucial factor in ensuring quality service. As a custom manufacturing studio, every project comes with its design and manufacturing challenges that we brief our clients on along with a well-extrapolated time-line that accounts for all production-related eventualities. Regardless of the estimated time-lines stated, we will always strive to deliver the final product(s) as quickly as possible without compromising their quality and durability.

Instantaneous Access

to a Vast Network of Professional Vendors:

As a custom studio having to offer a vast and dynamic range of products and services, we’ve had to develop strong and meaningful ties with many vendors and affiliates over the years, all offering a variety of raw material and expertise. We take pride in these relationships and value their trust and cooperation that we have built together over the years. We can proudly vouch for their integrity, honesty, reliability, and loyalty and consider them all an extended part of the Arjunvir Gujral Design Studio family.  


Due to the nature of our business, we’ve had the pleasure of working alongside very talented individuals and collectives over the years. These include and are not limited to, artisans, designers, architects, fabricators, engineers and sculptors, to name a few. We exploit our resourcefulness in building unique and meaningful relationships through collaborations and partnerships that add to the wonder and exclusivity of our offering

Civil Work

Has Never Been so Effortless:

In addition to furniture, we have also experientially built strong expertise to professionally design and execute interior architectural and civil-work projects. In addition to a competent and experienced team of in-house craftsmen, we also have had the privilege of working closely with renowned architects, civil engineers, contractors and vendors who we continue to partner and collaborate with.